Friday, August 1, 2014

First Post: Inspiration

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working."~ Pablo Picasso.

          Inspiration interesting thought to ponder. Often, we view that the other way around, that we must constantly seek inspiration, almost having to create it ourselves. Instead, Picasso offers us a new solution. Inspiration is a gift, nay a reward for the determined. Those who work hard will be rewarded with a never ending supply of ideas and simulation. This coming from a man who hated working from life and preferred instead to let his imagination run wild. I personally find it refreshing. What is so unique about artists that they seem to never run out of stimulation? Why do they have this ability? Could it be as simple as taking the time to look...? Yes, I believe it is. Everyone can be an artist. Everyone can be and is creative. Just like art has no set media or parameters, the same applies to the driving force behind it, not to mention the end product. Inspiration is attainable for all who seek it. The act of seeking is all that is required. ~Samantha

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