Art and Life. These two things go hand in hand and often it's hard to have one without the other. This is one thing we have come to learn and embrace over the years, for in some way, art infiltrates our lives making the world a better place to live in, whether through music, literature, film, dance or what people usually think of as art, i.e. painting, sculpture, & photography. Art touches us all in some way and what we hope to do is to highlight that connection by sharing our own experiences, thoughts, and feelings about art and the beauty it can bring to the everyday.
So often we fail to see the beauty that surrounds us, dismiss the opportunities we have to create new connections or relationships through art, and go through life, day after day, focusing only on what brings us stress or dampens our spirit. We hope that through sharing our insights, experiences, and encounters with art, that maybe little by little... you too can begin to appreciate the beauty that all of life has to offer.
~Caitlin & Samantha
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